Monday, 2 June 2014

And so it begins.....

On Friday afternoon, I received an email from our CSA advising us that we had been released to construction and that work would commence in the next day or so.  I don't need to tell you how happy this made me feel. It was a perfect start to our weekend. 

There was no work happening on Saturday so Monday would be the big day.

So today, before heading to work I took a drive past the estate and to there it was, the big digger digging up our land. What an exciting and happy feeling to see work commence after years of waiting.  

When I went back past the estate this afternoon, the gates were locked so I couldn't get in and take a photo of the finished product.  

The finished product (photos taken on Tuesday morning)

Our SS also made contact today to inform us that they had commenced preparation of our block for the slab to be laid next Thursday. In my head I Thursday...why is it going to take over a week for the slab to be laid? Oh well. I shouldn't complain. At least it is all happening for us now.

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